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Murkwood Mansion Macabre
An asymmetrical horror/slasher board game. One player hunts the other four. When a survivor dies, they become a ghost, able to assist the other players survive the killer.
Every playthrough had a distinct opening, middlegame, and endgame, concluding 1-2 turns from an opposite result (the survivors winning rather than the killer or vice versa).
In the opening, the killer would kill 1-2 players with ease. Once the players were killed though, they would turn into ghosts and cause problems for the killer, and the survivors would begin activating their cards. The latest the second player was killed in any of the playthroughs was immediately after the final key had been located. Finally, the single remaining survivor would rush toward the exit, the ghosts aiding their escape.
Role:                                            Game Designer
Time Spent:                                             1 month
Number of Team Members:                              4
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